Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Welcome to the Sport Management Review

Welcome to the Sport Management Review blog. As a sport management grad student, I find myself searching out and reading a large amount of websites related to sport management, sports, and recreation, as well as general business sites. There are many great resources on the web...and some not so great ones as well. My goal with this blog is to review a new website about once a week so that readers can find new sites worth checking out.

Some of the sites I'll review include: general sport management, academic sport management, job search, sport management networks, professional associations, sport businesses, and actual team websites. Make sure that you send me links to any interesting sites and I'll be sure to check them out.

Reviewing Websites

Since I'm a grad student, I try to be semi-organized. When reviewing these websites, there are several areas that I will consider:

  • Aesthetics--Is it pretty? First impressions count! While this is not the most important aspect of a website, it will most likely effect the overall rating of a website because I don't like using websites that hurt my eyes or give me headaches.
  • Design--This is different than aesthetics because I consider aesthetics to be static (for a website at least). The design rating will depend on the ease of navigating the site, and how easy it is to find information and utilize it. It's also somewhat dependent upon aesthetics since if it's ugly I don't consider it good design, but it can be ugly and also hard to navigate.
  • Content--Okay, a website can be have great design, but that doesn't help it much if the information is useless. The usefulness of information can be debated, and will probably change based on the project, level, and a plethora of other variables, but I will be considering how useful information would be to an advanced student (upperclassmen in college or above) or business professional. Thus (note the student word), if you have a doctoral degree in sport management then the information may not be advanced enough, but if you are in 8th grade, it might be a little bit over your head (but not necessarily!).
  • Links--Are there any links to further information? I won' t be rating the content of the links, I'll just judge if there are any that look to be useful.
  • Price--I'm a student, so price is definitely important to me. I won't be thoroughly reviewing any websites that require a fee or paid membership to use. Although I will rate them based on the information that I can access. That being said, a free website will be ranked higher than a paid website with similar ratings in aesthetics, design, and content.
  • Overall--Finally, I'll be looking for a certain "je ne sais quoi". It will probably be a combination of everything that I've just mentioned, and how it all fits together.
The first review will be posted sometime next week. In the meantime, be sure to leave some comments with ideas for other websites, and other methods to rate them.

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